_____________ Quartermaster's Department of Philadelphia instructed the superintendent to have the stone wall repointed during the early fall of 1872. 32 At the same time, a decision was made to repaint the iron front fence and gateway to prevent corrosion.33 By the end of October 1872, both projects were completed, John Errter (Ertter) receiving $40 compensation for painting the iron fencing along the Baltimore Pike and Charles Z. Tawney earning $575 for repointing the enclosing wall.34 _____________
time of the cemetery's inspection in the fall of 1873, it was noted that the arbor vitae hedge was quite damaged by the severe weather, and as a result was uneven in appearance. 37 _____________
superintendent of the National Cemetery) recommended that "the material used should be lime and sand mortar. The wall was pointed the last time with cement mortar and in less than six months after being pointed the pointing commenced falling out." 43 In September Charles Z. Tawney once again was contracted to repoint the wall at 13 1/2 cents a foot, accepting the specifications of the War Department (e.g., using lime and sand mortar instead of the cement mortar he had used previously). 44 This work was most probably done in October and November of 1886, since the National Cemetery had an unusually high number of laborers on the payroll then, including four members of the Tawney family--F. Tawney, H. H. Tawney, E. Tawney, and William Tawney. 47 In hopes of preventing rapid deterioration of this new


repointing, the quartermaster's department recommended that the walls be "covered, as soon as possible, with ivy and other vines" if there were no "fine hedges" along the insides of the walls. 48 It is doubtful that this measure was taken at that time, since it was three years afterwards that the department reiterated the suggestion. (No photograph of these years indicates a vine-like growth on or along the walls) . _____________
handles of the urns paralleled the Taneytown Road. The weather was also a factor in slowing the workers who were repointing the wall. During this repointing, we get the impression that for the first time the enclosing wall was not repointed in its entirety. Calvin Hamilton's monthly report to the War Department indicated that the "inside of the enclosing wall was repointed wherever needed and over one thousand feet on the outside. The old pointing on the outside was all removed on the outside as far as repointed." The wall repointing was completed on June 20, 1892. 51 _____________ rose to $45.54 Three years later, during the spring of 1904, the superintendent again requested $50 for funding the same purpose. 55 _____________
any repointing of the stone wall was picked up by annual maintenance during that year.60 _____________
the eighteen feet originally fallen down in the neighbor's garden was being joined by additional stonework from more of the weakening wall. Altogether, Tawney appraised one hundred feet of the wall behind the superintendent's lodge, the tool house, and the stable (utility building) and estimated the cost of repairs at $150.64 It is not mentioned whether or not this work was done at that time. Although there was statement that an estimate was made, there was no follow-up in the recorded correspondence to indicate whether Tawney or anyone else was paid for the job. (This does not preclude the possibility that the cemetery work force did the masonry work themselves.) _____________
was informing the department the Estimates were made at that time to present to the quartermaster department, giving the administrators two alternative treatments to select from. The first alternative called for repairing only the seven damaged places, including a base of stone as needed 12" X 14" and 12" X 16", at a cost of $95. The second proposal consisted of repairing the length of the affected wall on both sides (tearing out and rebuilding the bulged areas and rebuilding the seven collapsed sections) at a cost of $260. Both included a base constructed on "1:3:6 concrete" 12" X 14" to 12" X 16" where necessary, "the whole to be left in a clean and satisfactory condition." 67 The War Department chose the cheaper solution, and the contract was awarded to the appraiser, M. E. Funt of Gettysburg, who completed the work in less than two weeks' time (April 24, 1929). Unfortunately, the needed repointing of the wall was shunted aside in order to save money, and the stone wall was once again deprived of the vital cyclical maintenance necessary to prevent its bulging, shifting, and collapse. _____________
Needless to say the War Department quickly latched on to the qualifier in the above statement, and apparently allocated neither funding nor authority to accomplish the needed preservation treatment. The following spring, after surviving another winter, the wall looked worse, and the superintendent changed his tune: He estimated at least $500 would be needed to fund the necessary labor, although it does not appear from the records that the funding was made available to Gettysburg or that the work was undertaken. Up to March of 1934, when the last days of the War Department's administration of the cemetery drew to a close, there is no record of repointing or repair to the walls. _____________
following year, work was programmed to paint the iron fence and gates, and to make any other repairs to them as needed. 73