2. Alfred Lee, "Reminiscences of the Gettysburg Battle," Lippincott Magazine, Volume 6 (1883), p. 55.
3. Carl Schurz, "The Battle of Gettysburg," McCIure's Magazine, 29 (July 1907): p. 273. 4. O.R., Pt. 1, pp. 702, 727; Schurz, "The Battle of Gettysburg," P. 274. All troop strengths are derived from John Busey and David Martin, Regimental Strengths at Gettysburg. Longstreet House: Hightstown, New Jersey, 1982.
5. Schurz, "The Battle of Gettysburg," P. 275. See William R. Keifer, History of the One Hundred Fifty Third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Easton: Press of the Chemical Publishing Co, 1905, P. 208, for account of trains slowing Barlow's march .
6. Louise W. Hitz, ed., The Letters of Frederick C. Winkler. Privately Printed, 1963, p. 61.
7. Francis C. Barlow to Robert T. Paine, August 12, 1863; Barlow to unknown, probably July 11, 1863. Barlow Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
8. Worthington C. Ford, ed., War Letters of John C. Gray and John C. Ropes. Houghton Mifflin Co.: Boston & New York, 1927, p. 146; Winkler, P. 52.
111. Ibid., P. 727. Statement of Francis C. Barlow to John Bachelder, see: John Bachelder, Manuscript History of the Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg National Military Park (hereafter referred to as Bachelder); Volume 6, P. 185.
112. Keifer, Pennsylvania, P. 208; O.R., Pt. 1, p. 715; Statement of Barlow in Bachelder, Vol. 6, P. 185.
113. NYGB, Vol. 1, P. 378. O.R., Pt. 1, P. 784.
114. O.R., Pt. 1, p. 754. Pt. 2, P. 603.
115. Schurz, "The Battle of Gettysburg," P. 276. The farmhouse that Schurz mentions he went to the roof of was certainly the Hagy Farm which means Irsch cleared this position of Blackford's men. Also see: NYGB, Vol. 1, P. 378.
116. Philip Brown to John Bachelder, April 4, 1864. Bachelder Papers (BP), New Hampshire Historical Society (NHHS).
17. O.R., Pt. 1, 754. Pt. 2, P. 603; Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers. B. Singerly: Harrisburg, 1869, Vol. 2, P. 896.
18. Ibid., pp. 742, 745; Lee, "Reminiscences of the Gettysburg Battle," P. 55.
19. Lee, "Reminiscences of the Gettysburg Battle," p. 55,
22. O.R., Pt. 1, P. 728; Schurz, "The Battle of Gettysburg," p. 276.
23. Keifer, 153rd Pennsylvania, P. 209. The Hagy Farm is the only farmhouse on the Mummasburg Road where Schurz could have had the view he describes.
24. Oliver 0. Howard, "The Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg," Atlantic Monthly, 13 (8 July 1876), P. 38; O.R., Pt. 1, pp. 702, 728.
26. O.R., Pt. 1, p. 728; Schurz, "The Battle of Gettysburg," p. 21
28. Bachelder, Vol. 6, pp. 185-86; O.R., Pt. 2, P. 603. Pt. 1, pp. 79 754; Philip Brown to Bachelder, April 14, 1864. The precise position of the 82nd Illinois is difficult to pin down. They apparently were in support of Dilger and Wheeler and remained in that role throughout the first day. The 157th New York's initial position of deployment was near the Hagy Farm, where they placed a monument.
29. Barlow statement in Bachelder, Vol. 6, pp. 185-86; Keifer, 153rd . 210.
30. Captain James Brown to Bachelder, April 8, 1864. BP. NHHS. Brown was Ames' AAG at Gettysburg.
32. Keifer, 153rd Pennsylvania, P. 210; NYGB, Vol. 2, P. 568.
33. Clyde Miller to Bachelder, March 2, 1884. BP, NHHS. Also
see Keifer, 153rd Pennsylvania, P. 210. Ruch, who was a member of F Company stated that Companies A and B wer
e on the
skirmish line rather than A and F. Schaum survived his wound.
34. Keifer, 153rd Pennsylvania, pp. 140, 182.
36. NYGB, Vol. 2, p. 568; Vol. 1, P. 404; Keifer, 153rd Pennsylvania, p. 211; Miller to Bachelder, March 2, 1884.
37. Andrew L. Harris to Bachelder, March 14, 1881. BP, NHHS; O.R., Pt. 1, P. 717.
38. O.R., Pt. 1, P. 717. The fire was extinguished, probably with the help of Mr. Benner. On July 2, Union artillery set the house on fire a second time and Benner again extinguished it. See Theodore Dodge "Left Wounded on the Field," Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Volume 4 (September 1869).
40. Jubal Early, War Memoirs. Edited by Flank E. Vandiver, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1960, P. 267; O.R., Pt. 2, pp. 468, 492.
41. Barlow Statement in Bachelder, Vol. 6, P. 186.
42. O.R., Pt. 1, P. 756; Battles and Leaders, Vol. 3, P. 281; Francis Barlow to Mother, July 7, 1863. Barlow Papers, MHS. 43. Barlow to Mother, July 7, 1863. Presumably, the battery was Capt. Lewis Heckman's K, 1st Ohio Lt.
44. O.R., Pt. 1, pp. 756, 757.
45. Barlow to Mother, July 7, 1863; O.R., Pt. 1, pp. 712, 715; James Brown to Bachelder, April 4, 1864; Andrew L. Harris to Bachelder, March 14, 1881. BP, NHHS.
46. Barlow to Mother, July 7, 1863.
47. O.R., Pt. 2, pp. 468, 492, 582.
49. Keifer, 153rd Pennsylvania, pp. 140-141; O.R., Pt. 1, pp. 756.
50. O.R., Pt. 2, P. 492; Nichols, G. W. A Soldier's Story of His Regiment and Incidentally of the Lawton-Gordon-Evans Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. Jessup, Georgia?, 1898, p. 116. Nichols served in the 61st Georgia ?,
51. Keifer, 153rd Pennsylvania, pp. 211-12.
54. Ibid., pp. 178, 252. Rush wrote that this unknown lieutenant was made of "sterling stuff."
5 5. O.R., Pt. 1, pp. 756, 757. Merkle and Bancroft must have been relatively close to one another, but their reports make it clear that Bancroft retired separately of Merkle.
56. Ibid., P. 2, p. 492. Pt. 1, pp. 715, 719; Andrew L. Harris to Bachelder, March 14, 1881, BP, NHHS; John Tyler Butts, ed, A Gallant Captain of The Civil War. F. Tennyson Neely: New York, London, 1902, P. 76. This is the memoirs of Captain Frederick 0. von Fretch, a member of von Gilsa's staff.
57. William H. Warren Journal, Yale University. O.R.. Pt. 1. P. 717.
58. Barlow to Mother, July 7, 1863.
59. Harris to Bachelder, March 14, 1881. BP, NHHS.
60. O.R., Pt. 1, P. 745; Lee, "Reminiscences of the Gettysburg Battle, P. 56.
61. O.R., Pt. 1, P. 745; Lee, P. 56; O.R, Pt 2, P. 585.
62. O.R., Pt. 1, P. 742. Willis gives the impression that the 2nd Brigade retired in good order. That may be, but by the time they reached the edge of town many had left the ranks. Fred Winkler related that only 100 to 150 men of the brigade were rallied at the edge of town. See Winkler, P. 70.
64. Applegate, John S. Reminiscences and Letters of George Arrowsmith of New Jersey. Red Bank: John H. Cook, 1893, P. 216.
67. Keifer, 153rd Pennsylvania, P. 215; Nichols, P. 116; O.R, Pt. 1, P. 712. Pt. 2, P. 493.
68. Winkler, P. 70; NYGB, Vol. 3, P. 1051. Vol. 2, P. 918. Hays' or Gordon's skirmishers had probably driven the 17th Connecticut skirmishers out of Benner's Farm long before the general advance of Hays and Avery began.
69. Winkler, pp. 69-70. NYBG Vol. III, p. 1051. Sgt. Cha McKay (3 years with the Crescent and the Star) from the National Tribune Scrapbook, Washington, D.C., n.d.
72. O.R., Pt. 1, p. 105l. Pt. 2, p. 484; Sgt. Charles McKay, "Three Years With the Crescent and the Star," National Tribune Scrapbook, Washington, D.C., n.d. Copy Gettysburg NMP library. This and other items related to 154th New York were donated to Gettysburg NMP by Mark Dunkleman.
73. McKay "Three Years... ;" Letter of John F. Wellman print in the Ellicotville, New York, Post, September 5, 1888. Copy at Gettysburg NMP.
74. Bates, History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Vol. 2, p. 39 NYGB, Vol. 2, P. 918. Vol 3, p. 10 5 1.
75. NYGB, Vol. 3, P. 1051; Adj. Alan" Crosby to Maj. Sam G. Love, March 18, 1864. Published in the Jamestown (New York) Journal; "Civil War Diary and Related Sources of Corporal Newell Burch," courtesy John Q. Imholte, ed, and the Minnesota Historical society. Copy.at Gettysburg NMP.
76. O.R., Pt. 2, p. Avery Pt. 11 p; Heckman. Winkler, pp. 70-71.
77. NYGB, Vol. 1, pp. 150-151, 179-183; O.R., Pt. 1, pp. 182-83; Pt. 2, pp. 340-42.