Organization Communication - Lee & his Lieutenants at Gettysburg - Chuck May
Abraham Lincoln: Hay Copy of the Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln: Nicolay Copy of the Gettysburg Address
Articles and research by the members of the Gettysburg Discussion Group
Causes of the Civil War: A Seminar
Citizens and Soldiers of
Battlefield Histories: Written by Historian Georg Harrison, Gettysburg National Military Park
Brandy Station: A Seminar
Discussions by members of the Gettysburg Discussion Group
Edward Everert: Gettysburg Address
Falling Waters: George Franks
Field and Monument Research
Generals at Gettysburg: An Index
Gettysburg Campaign: A Summary
Gettysburg Magazine: Selected Articles
Gettysburg Maps
Gettysburg Park Reports: 1893 - 1921 & 1927 - 1933
Gettysburg National Military Park: Files
Gettysburg Virtual Museum
Henry Hunt Papers: From the Library Gettysburg National Military Park
McAllister's Mill: a Stop on the Underground Railroad
Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
Official Records of the War of the Rebellion: Selected Reports
Orders of Battle: Gateway to the Fighting Man
Southern Historical Society Papers: Selected Articles